The TC Platform

Transaction Commons provides secure and organized management of documents and information to improve the negotiated business transaction process.  The TC® Common Space platform is built around an efficient transaction:

Elements of an Efficient Transaction

Manage Versions

Organized agreement and exhibit version management.

Define the Team

Consistent document access across the entire transaction team.

Keep Everyone on the Same Page

Transaction Space

Keeps all versions of transaction agreements and exhibits available and organized, with no more wasted time figuring out which document version is the most current.

Authorize Users

Three user access levels afford varying levels of transaction participation, from read-only users to transaction administrators with broader rights.

Manage Your Transaction from Our Transaction Dashboard

Transaction Commons is The Neutral Transaction Space

Since every transaction involves multiple parties, a platform must be acceptable to every one of them to be useful and a driver of efficiency.  Rarely should one party to a transaction have exclusive control over shared information and documents.  Transaction Commons offers a neutral solution - where each party has an administrator with the ability to authorize their own users, control and review (only) their level of access and document activity.